Reasons for Hope
Women Priests Exist(ed)
There is historical, archeological and scriptural evidence that women served as deacons, priests and bishops in the early Church. For example, Phoebe is named a deacon by St. Paul in the Letter to the Romans; Pliny the Younger in a letter to the Emperor Trajan asks for guidance about two women deacons; and Justinian refers to women deacons. The excavation at Ashdod also unearthed inscriptions of women deacons. There is also an lengthy latent tradition of Mary being revered as priest. Some of the oldest surviving images of Christians worshiping at Church altars portray women in official liturgical roles and are in some of the most significant churches in early Church history. If these images were of men, would you assume they were in leadership?
Thanks to researcher Miriam Duignan of the Wijngaards Institute for her work in tracking the many archeological discoveries.
RESOURCES There is volume after volume of research by reputable academic scholars. Hidden History of Women's Ordination When Women Were Priests The Ordination of Women in the Catholic Church Essays on Women in Earliest Christianity Vol I & Vol II Wijngaardts Institute for Catholic Research Women's Ordination Conference Jesus Female Disciples | History Documentary FutureChurch presentation with Christine Schnek, CSJ PRIESTS OF TODAY
Women today are also living out their call to serve as Roman Catholic priests. The Roman Catholic Woman Priest movement began in 2002. Seven women were ordained as priests by male bishops on the Danube River and one year later several of these women were ordained as bishops by a male bishop. The female bishops have been ordaining women as priests and bishops since. There are now 260 Roman Catholic Women Priests around the world, pastoring communities, working for social justice, and ministering to the sick and imprisoned. LINKS ON FEMALE PRIESTS
Pink Smoke Over the Vatican Womanpriest by Jill Peterfeso Hidden History of Women's Ordination by Gary Macy When Women Were Priests by Karen Jo Torjesen Roman Catholic Women Priests Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests Hildegard Haus God.Says.Now. |